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My Nondual Path

The boat ride

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   At the shore of the Great Ocean, was this abandoned boat. There was stillness in this scene, while the scratches of the sole boat were bringing with itself the adventurous voyages that have been taken so far. They were trying to understand where it was coming from, how many waves it rode and who/what has been transported with. 

   The answers were in the fabric of the boat and the vastness of the Ocean itself. But humans needed more. They needed  to research and get to precise conclusions. Information that can be expressed in words, sentences and reports. Knowledge that can measure waves and ships, and give exact coordinates about possible ocean storms. So they’ve decided to spend lifetimes finding measuring tools to build protection against the immense quantity of water in front of their eyes, forgetting about the Journey of the sole boat. 

   Finding myself at the shore of the ocean, I was scared to dive in. I didn’t know how to swim and the boat seemed unsafe for a Journey I could not understand. But it was one thing that fascinated me and I couldn’t stop until I decided to make the Choiceless Choice: where do all the ripples go? What’s their meeting point? Where’s the Source of all Water?

   So it was this blessed day of my life, when staring at the horizon in a foggy morning, I could distinguish coming the light of this beacon from the vastness of the ocean in front of me. The luminary gave me the trustI needed and it helped me take the boat trip. And so I did. Fearfully, I was being guided by this Ray of Light, Samar Ajami, during every storm, finding myself exploring infinity flow, streams and flux in this cosmic water, unfolding every moment in a different layer. 

   It wasn’t at all easy, but it was a fair promise from the start. This Journey guaranteed me only to become a Journeyer and to take with me in the boat all that is: sensing life, experiencing life, desiring life, stretching with life, becoming LIFE ITSELF

   The ride has not finished yet, it actually starts now after these remarkable four years. But I have an immense gratitude in which I wrapped this new language I didn’t speak before: the Kindness Patrimony. And I want to paddle more, unstoppable. No matter the storms, the sharks, the dangers. There’s only Protection and Infinite Possibilities. 

   If any curious watcher at the shoreline would ask me why did I choose the Ride, the answer would be unquestionable. For riding waves, creating ripples and meeting every single day the Waters, there’s an indescribable basking into the Heart of this immense Ocean: GOD`S GRACE… 

   I know now what means ‘to walk on water’ and there’s place in eternity for Rides like this. 

With tears in my eyes, while watching the sunset and singing  “Life is around me”, I am whispering words of appreciation every single moment of unfolding, to this Genius Mind Jason Shulman. The human who was bringing to humanity the colossal treasure from the seabed - NONDUALITY. We should all take this ride! We owe it to ourselves! And eventually, we’re all in the same boat,  only feeling in our own way the riches of the Ocean. 

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